Cats am VetMed Uni Ball 2015

Great Finale for the School Year 2014/15

Cats am VetMed Uni Ball 2015

Our Cats / CATS at the 250 years anniversary VetMed Uni Ball 2015 in Vienna’s City Hall

With as many as three (3!) excellent shows on Saturday, June 20th the Broadway Connection finishes the school year 2014/15:

25 Jahr-Feier Theater Akzent

Our Minis at the 25 Year Anniversary of the Akzent

In the afternoon, our youngest dancers demonstrated their skills and the educational variaty of the Broadway Connection at the 25 year anniversary of the Theater Akzent. Especially the young audience was excited and many grabed the brochure of our Broadway Summer School which offers dance opportunities as of 3 years.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank hereby the Theater Akzent, Mr Sturm and his employees for the great collaboration and support for our young artists. We wish many successful years of collaboration.

Musical Percy Jackson

Broadway Company Musical Percy Jackson

In the evening was the third sold out performance of “Percy Jackson – The Fight about the Golden Apple”, also at the Theater Akzent. The artists of the Broadway Musical Company –  authors, choreographers, singers and dancers – have again done great work and received large applaus.

For many artists of the Broadway Company the “workday” was not done after the curtain was lowered. They had to put on new make-up, some even during the trip to the next venue. And that was nothing less than the City Hall of Vienna!

The artists of the Broadway Connection entertained the guests of the 250 year anniversary ball of the veterinarian university of Vienna with an animal themed midnight show. Many VIPs from academica and politics saw a great vocal and dance performance of our “cats”. Special thanks to KrisTina Decker, who made nearly all of the costumes and wigs herself in numerous work hours. By the way, one of the customes is the original costume that KrisTina wore herself on stage. Can you guess which one it is?