Happy 2019

We are back in the Studios!

We are sure, you are as happy as we are, to be back to dance at our studios in Praterstraße 25a (U1 Station Nestroyplatz – in case you forgot after this long break 🤣). In addition to our prevention concept, all students require a proof to be either recovered, vaccinated or tested. We recognise (negative) school tests.

Some students told us they had problems with the current schedule to make it to class in time due to travel distance. For some of these classes we’ll continue to stream them to allow these students to participate. You can get details to these classes from our reception via office@broadwayconnection.at or via phone +43-699-101-58-586.

As our summer semester started late, the classes will run until July 3rd 2021. Here the current schedule:

Stundenplan ab 10. Mai 2021